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PEP Home E-Voucher

  • Product code: PRD83010
  • Brand: PEP Home

7 000 points


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PEP Home E-Voucher

PEP HOME operates 390+ stores across Southern Africa and offers a wide range of homeware and décor items - everything from kitchen utensils to bedroom essentials. We're passionate about bringing our customers the lowest prices on everything they need to make their homes beautiful.

How it works

  • After ordering you can download your E-Voucher in the section "My transactions" under "My account"
  • The E-Voucher can only be redeemed in-store at PEP Home Store in South Africa
  • The E-Voucher is valid for three (3) years from the date of issue
  • After ordering you can download your E-Voucher in the section "My transactions" under "My account"
  • The E-Voucher can only be redeemed in-store at PEP Home Store in South Africa
    • Present the unique 13 digit reference number at any PEP Home store till point to convert it into a E-Voucher slip
    • Once the E-Voucher slip is printed, it can be used to buy anything in-store
    • The E-Voucher can be used immediately as tender against a purchase or at any other time in future, at any PEP Home store – before the expiry date
  • The E-Voucher is valid for three (3) years from the date of issue
  • If only part of the E-Voucher is used, e.g. voucher is for R100 and you only buy something for R50, you will receive the change in another voucher
    • All the logic, like expiry date, will still apply to the change voucher
    • Only when the change is less than R10, will you receive change in cash
    • If you receive a change E-Voucher for your purchase, and you go to another PEP Home store on the same day, please request the new store to call Helpdesk to increase the change voucher limit as it will be capped at R300.00 if the change voucher is used on the same day
  • The E-Voucher cannot be cancelled or returned once issued

PEP Home E-Voucher

PEP HOME operates 390+ stores across Southern Africa and offers a wide range of homeware and décor items - everything from kitchen utensils to bedroom essentials. We're passionate about bringing our customers the lowest prices on everything they need to make their homes beautiful.

How it works

  • After ordering you can download your E-Voucher in the section "My transactions" under "My account"
  • The E-Voucher can only be redeemed in-store at PEP Home Store in South Africa
  • The E-Voucher is valid for three (3) years from the date of issue
  • After ordering you can download your E-Voucher in the section "My transactions" under "My account"
  • The E-Voucher can only be redeemed in-store at PEP Home Store in South Africa
    • Present the unique 13 digit reference number at any PEP Home store till point to convert it into a E-Voucher slip
    • Once the E-Voucher slip is printed, it can be used to buy anything in-store
    • The E-Voucher can be used immediately as tender against a purchase or at any other time in future, at any PEP Home store – before the expiry date
  • The E-Voucher is valid for three (3) years from the date of issue
  • If only part of the E-Voucher is used, e.g. voucher is for R100 and you only buy something for R50, you will receive the change in another voucher
    • All the logic, like expiry date, will still apply to the change voucher
    • Only when the change is less than R10, will you receive change in cash
    • If you receive a change E-Voucher for your purchase, and you go to another PEP Home store on the same day, please request the new store to call Helpdesk to increase the change voucher limit as it will be capped at R300.00 if the change voucher is used on the same day
  • The E-Voucher cannot be cancelled or returned once issued