Homemax Vacuum Sealer with Bags

  • Product code: PRD76719
  • Brand: Homemax

53 300 points

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Homemax Vacuum Sealer with Bags

The HomeMax Rechargeable Vacuum Sealer is a compact food and clothing sealing device, protecting food from bacteria, keeping it fresher for longer. The clothing seal bags compress clothing, perfect for storage, and protecting clothing from moths and air damage.

In the Box

  • 1 × Freshseal Vacuum Sealer
  • Clothing bags
    • 2 × Small Vac Bag (40 × 60cm)
    • 2 × Medium Vac Bag (50 × 70cm)
    • 2 × Large Vac Bag (60 × 80 cm)
  • Food Bags
    • 4 × Small Vac Bag (17 × 20 cm)
    • 2 × Large Vac Bag (30 × 24 cm)

Homemax Vacuum Sealer with Bags

The HomeMax Rechargeable Vacuum Sealer is a compact food and clothing sealing device, protecting food from bacteria, keeping it fresher for longer. The clothing seal bags compress clothing, perfect for storage, and protecting clothing from moths and air damage.

In the Box

  • 1 × Freshseal Vacuum Sealer
  • Clothing bags
    • 2 × Small Vac Bag (40 × 60cm)
    • 2 × Medium Vac Bag (50 × 70cm)
    • 2 × Large Vac Bag (60 × 80 cm)
  • Food Bags
    • 4 × Small Vac Bag (17 × 20 cm)
    • 2 × Large Vac Bag (30 × 24 cm)