Homemax Patio Mist Home Cooling System

  • Product code: PRD76712
  • Brand: Homemax

35 130 points

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Homemax Patio Mist Home Cooling System

Stay cool while sitting outside on a hot day with the top-notch professional home cooling system, Patio Mist.


  • The Patio Mist is a flexible, high-pressure system that is capable of producing industrial-strength mist
  • The Homemax Patio Misting System is an engineered in such a way that it is able to withstand a higher pressure than the standard misting systems. More so, it creates a finer mist that is able to flash-evaporate at a faster rate
  • The Patio Mist comes pre-assembled with non-drip nozzles and hardware
  • It delivers a continuous stream of superfine mist which cools the temperature down by around 1ºC
  • The Misting System can be used with standard water pressure

In the box

  • 10m of tubing
  • 10 connectors
  • 10 fine mist nozzles
  • 1 × standard tap connector
  • 1 × standard tap adaptor

Homemax Patio Mist Home Cooling System

Stay cool while sitting outside on a hot day with the top-notch professional home cooling system, Patio Mist.


  • The Patio Mist is a flexible, high-pressure system that is capable of producing industrial-strength mist
  • The Homemax Patio Misting System is an engineered in such a way that it is able to withstand a higher pressure than the standard misting systems. More so, it creates a finer mist that is able to flash-evaporate at a faster rate
  • The Patio Mist comes pre-assembled with non-drip nozzles and hardware
  • It delivers a continuous stream of superfine mist which cools the temperature down by around 1ºC
  • The Misting System can be used with standard water pressure

In the box

  • 10m of tubing
  • 10 connectors
  • 10 fine mist nozzles
  • 1 × standard tap connector
  • 1 × standard tap adaptor